general contractors
Utility Coordination

Know what’s underground before you dig

No more surprises, threats, or costs to your bottom line

No more waiting months for utility data

No steep learning curve to master software

100% online.
No install necessary

Discover stakeholders

Find utility owners and other stakeholders in need to mitigate their utility risk on your project's site

Predict change orders

Access utility data that might not be in the construction plans or utility records, enabling the ability to predict change orders and mitigate uncertainty

Safety first

Protect your workers, their equipment and your profit margins by avoiding dangerous utility strikes


General contractors use 4M to

Assess potential utility conflicts in context using multiple data layers

Find alternatives to avoidable relocations, work halts, and delays

Discover undocumented utilities to operate safely and with due diligence


Everything you need to know

What Is Utility Coordination?

Utility coordination is a complex liaising activity that brings various stakeholders together before any construction or infrastructure-related project begins. It minimizes conflict and enhances coordination between utility owners and project developers by ensuring careful planning and implementation of subsurface utility engineering.

What type of certification is required for utility coordination?

A Utility Certification verifies that adequate coordination between utility owners and project developers has taken place before construction begins. Utility Certifications are required for all projects and must be submitted to relevant authorities along with project plans, specifications, and estimates package (PS&E).

What are the benefits of Utility Coordination?

Utility coordination ensures all stakeholders are in the loop and that there is adequate planning for minimizing damage to utilities. It saves time and money and ensures successful project completion without any unpleasant surprises within the stipulated time. Most importantly, it keeps workers and communities safe from potential hazards.

What does a utility coordinator do?

Utility coordinators liaise with various utility owners, governmental authorities, and project owners to ensure successful project completion. They help minimize conflicts and mitigate procedural risks that may arise during a project. They are key enablers of successful communication between different stakeholders and ensure conflict resolution during construction projects.

Why is utility coordination important in construction projects?

Utility coordination in construction projects is essential to avoid conflicts, ensure safety, optimize project design, comply with regulations, and efficiently manage the project. It helps identify and mitigate potential clashes between project activities and existing utilities, minimizing accidents and disruptions. Coordinating with utility providers provides accurate information about utility locations, enabling better project planning and resource allocation.

How do utility coordinators identify and locate underground utilities?

Utility coordinators put all the utility data pieces together into one place. Basically, UCs are responsible for contacting the utility owners relevant to the project and ask them for their utility records. Based on the information they collect they are responsible for pointing out the utility risks of a project and recommend ways to mitigate them like hiring a SUE firm to refine the utility data they have.

GCs shouldn't have to guess their utility risk

Get your utility data in just a few clicks